How to use

Just run bugwarrior-pull.

It’s ideal to create a cron task like:

*/15 * * * *  /usr/bin/bugwarrior-pull

Bugwarrior can emit desktop notifications when it adds or completes issues to and from your local ~/.task/ db. If your bugwarriorrc file has notifications turned on, you’ll also need to tell cron which display to use by adding the following to your crontab:

*/15 * * * *  /usr/bin/bugwarrior-pull

Exporting a list of UDAs

Most services define a set of UDAs in which bugwarrior store extra information about the incoming ticket. Usually, this includes things like the title of the ticket and its URL, but some services provide an extensive amount of metadata. See each service’s documentation for more information.

For using this data in reports, it is recommended that you add these UDA definitions to your ~/.taskrc file. You can generate your list of UDA definitions by running the following command:


You can add those lines verbatim to your ~/.taskrc file if you would like Taskwarrior to know the human-readable name and data type for the defined UDAs.


Not adding those lines to your ~/.taskrc file will have no negative effects aside from Taskwarrior not knowing the human-readable name for the field, but depending on what version of Taskwarrior you are using, it may prevent you from changing the values of those fields or using them in filter expressions.