
You can import tasks from your Bz instance using the bugzilla service name.

Example Service

Here’s an example of a bugzilla target.

This will scrape every ticket that:

  1. Is not closed and
  2. rbean@redhat.com is either the owner, reporter or is cc’d on the issue.

Bugzilla instances can be quite different from one another so use this with caution and please report bugs so we can make bugwarrior support more robust!

service = bugzilla
bugzilla.base_uri = bugzilla.redhat.com
bugzilla.username = rbean@redhat.com
bugzilla.password = OMG_LULZ

The above example is the minimum required to import issues from Bugzilla. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in Common Service Configuration Options. Note, however, that the filtering options, including only_if_assigned and also_unassigned, do not work

There is an option to ignore bugs that you are only cc’d on:

bugzilla.ignore_cc = True

But this will continue to include bugs that you reported, regardless of whether they are assigned to you.

If your bugzilla “actionable” bugs only include ON_QA, FAILS_QA, PASSES_QA, and POST:

bugzilla.open_statuses = ON_QA,FAILS_QA,PASSES_QA,POST

This won’t create tasks for bugs in other states. The default open statuses: “NEW,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO,ON_DEV,MODIFIED,POST,REOPENED,ON_QA,FAILS_QA,PASSES_QA”

If you’re on a more recent Bugzilla install, the NEEDINFO status no longer exists, and has been replaced by the “needinfo?” flag. Set “bugzilla.include_needinfos” to “True” to have taskwarrior also add bugs where information is requested of you. The “bugzillaneedinfo” UDA will be filled in with the date the needinfo was set.

To see all your needinfo bugs, you can use “task bugzillaneedinfo.any: list”.

If the filtering options are not sufficient to find the set of bugs you’d like, you can tell Bugwarrior exactly which bugs to sync by pasting a full query URL from your browser into the bugzilla.query_url option:

bugzilla.query_url = https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/query.cgi?bug_status=ASSIGNED&email1=myname%40mozilla.com&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact

Provided UDA Fields

Field Name Description Type
bugzillasummary Summary Text (string)
bugzillaurl URL Text (string)
bugzillabugid Bug ID Numeric (integer)
bugzillastatus Bugzilla Status Text (string)
bugzillaneedinfo Needinfo Date